Practical Health Solutions, LLC is located in the Access to Health building at 3113 S Taft Hill Road. The building is on the West side of Taft Hill Road between Drake and Horsetooth. If coming from the North, take I-25 south to Prospect and head West til you reach Taft Hill Road. After you pass Drake Road, start looking for the Access to Health sign on your right. Turn in the driveway just N of the building. Park in the back and enter through the N door.
If coming from the south, Exit I-25 at Harmony Road and head East til you reach Taft Hill Road. Turn right on Taft Hill Road and drive North until you reach Moffet Road. Take a Left on Moffit and the first quick left will take you straight the the building.
Please call the office at 970-482-2010 if you have any trouble finding your clinic
I provide naturopathic tele-medicine and video consults to those residing in Minnesota, North Dakota, Colorado, Kansas, and Wisconsin and offer naturopathic telehealth consultations to those who live in other Midwestern states. If you live in a state other than the ones listed above, call the office and I will tell you whether I am allowed to practice in your state. I have been doing primarily virtual visits for the past few years and my intention is to see more patients in-person in the next few years at the offices listed below. For your convenience and mine, I will continue to offer video and phone consultations.
Office locations:
353 Keller Parkway Keller, TX 76248 - detailed directions will follow
1101 E Elizabeth Street Fort Collins, CO 80524